Do you really want to cut down on your gasoline usage? Do you still like your car or truck? If the answer is yes, then consider an automobile propane conversion kit. These propane conversion kits allow your car or truck to be dual fueled, allowing you to switch from gasoline to propane at the flick of a switch. Many states have tax credits that can help cover the cost of the conversion. You can have the conversion done at a qualified installer, or do it yourself. Just be sure to learn and follow proper safety precautions for safe use and handling of Liquid Propane.
Liquid Propane is a clean burning alternative to driving an ugly hybrid car. If you live in semi-rural or rural areas, propane may even be more available than gasoline. The flex-fuel approach allows you to easily switch between fuels, based on which is cheaper or available at the time.
Here are some Propane Conversion Kits for Cars on eBay if you want to do it yourself:
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